Sensory seeking, statement follows images
I am constantly thinking about texture and materials and how we are drawn to certain things and repelled by others. As a person who largely experiences the world through touch, i feel the need to reach out and feel frequently, but I am also highly sensitive. These sculptures are made with objects I could not resist, objects I found, purchased, collected, could not just leave alone as they were. I have a deep need to intervene, to wonder what something else could be, how a material could be transformed or subverted to change how we experience it. I often use items meant for cleaning in these sculptures because I have an aversion to cleaning, but not to the bright and colorful objects provided to do so. Some of the sculptures relate to my experience as a mother, both in using the objects from motherhood but also because my children also experience the world through touch and parenting them has been challenging as I see how much of the world is not meant for the tactile exploration of little hands. Our world is full of barriers between them and understanding and connection. My work is commentary on how it could be different. These sculptures are meant to be touched.